Studio News
Art Camp has come to an end and all the kiddos are back in school. It was quite a couple of weeks, with lots of little ones this time around. During hours of a session each day, the kiddos need a break. In addition to snack time, I always try to get in some reading to the group. They love it when I read aloud. Lately, I've been reading Mary Oliver to them. She is a poet and writes about many things that children see in our area- different animals, weather patterns, types of people. They enjoy the short bursts of descriptive reading and a bit of critical thinking as well.

I just finished up a commissioned piece that's headed to Thomasville, Georgia. Pink is her favorite color, so I started there and added her choice of blues, greens, and purples. Its a fun, light piece with lots of movement. We can't wait to get it delivered and hung. More pictures to follow.

This big boy has been on loan at a friend's restaurant. I'm glad to have it back. It's one of my favorites!! Being 48x60", I'm having to rehang my section at the gallery. It is available to buy. $900 I can deliver it if you're not too far away.

This one has been tucked behind another painting and I pulled it out this week. "Heart of Another" is 25.5x30" Acrylic on wood. It is available for purchase. $400.

I just finished up this pair for some precious friends that were recently married. The pair is 30x48". The colors are rich and weathered. You'll find these in Chicago!

The following three paintings are part of a collection that I am preparing for gallery submission. Done in the same style as the above link commisssion. All 30x40x1.5". Mixed media.

I was in Birmingham over the weekend. While out exploring, I came across this little drummer making some street beats on his library books. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to snap his pic.